Dungeons and Dragons: Players fight back against corporations in real-life adventure

Описание к видео Dungeons and Dragons: Players fight back against corporations in real-life adventure

Dungeons and Dragons is a franchise that has played a huge role in countless lives, allowing players to band together in makeshift adventures against imaginary foes for almost 50 years

Recently, however, those players were forced to band together against an all too real and familiar foe — corporations.

It began over 20 years ago, when owners of the D&D brand "Wizards of the Coast" decided to allow third parties to create content, like these fantastic adventures, using their rules, characters and multi-sided die.

Players across the D&D world sharpened their swords and decided to take a swing at what they saw as a corporate dragon and started buying anything but original D&D products.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/video/9456057/d...

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