65 year old Reviews the Beavertail 2000 Stealth Duck Hunting and Fishing boat

Описание к видео 65 year old Reviews the Beavertail 2000 Stealth Duck Hunting and Fishing boat

I took out the Duck boat for the First time. The first time I have been in a kayak and the first time I have owned a Duck hunting boat that you can also fish in. It’s 44 inches wide and it’s an affordable way to enjoy more than one sport. There is a Camouflage pad up front for your hunting dog , you can take along a friend if you pick up an extra seat from Beavertail. This boat is stable and you would have to really work at it to turn it over! I am not getting paid or any promotional value for reviewing this boat. I just wanted an affordable way to get out on the water. I am fixing to add a trolling motor to make getting around the lake a little faster. Please be on the lookout for that video!


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