Gravity Shock

Описание к видео Gravity Shock

A progressive metal composition with polymeters, octatonic scales, and metric modulation. Obviously inspired by Meshuggah.

I tried to write something that throws listeners off their balance while still sounding like music.

Aside from the use of polymeters in sections 1 and 2, I took some specific inspirations from Meshuggah. Sections 1 and 2 are inspired by "Phantoms". The offbeat snare in section 2 borrows from "Combustion". Section 2 and the polyrhythmic solo section are in the style of "Clockworks". The after-solo section comprises my usual quartal harmony shenanigans.

The main theme is the (0, 2, 3, 2, 3, 5, 3, 5, 6) octatonic walk. It appears in section 1, section 3, and the transition back to section 1.

From section 2 to 3, there is a metric modulation where the 3/16 grouping in 4/4 is taken to be a triplet 1/4 grouping in 5/4. This allows the piece to instantly speed up and introduce a swinging triplet feel without sounding abrupt.

* Software *
Drum kit - Superior Drummer 3 + EQ Low pass on room mics
Guitar - Shreddage 3 Hydra + Archetype Nolly rhythm amp & cabinet + Bass Compressor + EQ high & low pass + EQ 500 Hz & 4000 Hz cut
Basses - Cinematic Studio Strings + Panned left towards center
DAW - FL Studio 2024


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