Solo Was Garbage and it Destroyed Lando Calrissian

Описание к видео Solo Was Garbage and it Destroyed Lando Calrissian

Solo: A Star Wars Story is an awful movie. Disney Lucasfilm destroyed Lando Calrissian; a Lando movie featuring Donald Glover and starring whatever girlboss they have him follow around is a terrible idea.


Disney updates Star Wars men: 00:00
Disney+ Sponsorship: 04:25
No, Solo isn't underrated, it's garbage: 05:16
L3 Waller Bridge - The Worst Character in Star Wars: 09:31
Plotholes, contrivance & girl bosses: 13:04
Update for a modern audience: 20:09
The Jared's Joker effect: 23:26
More plotholes: 25:04
Lando deconstructed: 35:11

Han's rescue makes perfect sense:

   • It all Makes Sense Now...  

The Despot is not in any way affiliated with Disney and considers them both a personal enemy and an enemy of mankind.


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