The Ultimate Mantra Remedy For Saturn Related Issues

Описание к видео The Ultimate Mantra Remedy For Saturn Related Issues

Lord Shani (Saturn) is hailed as the Lord of Karma. The harsh and ultimate reality is that we are born to pay off our karmic debts, but we get lost in the process and get way too attached. It is at these times Saturn comes to our rescue to wake up and shake up. The way Saturn goes about his duty is not enjoyable, but it certainly is extremely effective.

One of the most powerful mantra remedy for Saturn related issues is to recite the 3rd anuvaka or section of the Sri Rudram Chamakam 11 times while facing east everyday or at least on Saturdays. Alternatively you can also meditate on this if you are unable to chant it.

If you read the lyrics and translation of the Chamakam 3rd Anuvaka you will understand the significance and power behind these words.

शं च॑ मे॒ मय॑श्च मे प्रि॒यं च॑ मे‌உनुका॒मश्च॑ मे॒ काम॑श्च मे
śaṃ ca’ me maya’śca me priyaṃ ca’ me‌உnukāmaśca’ me kāma’śca me
May I be granted happiness in this world and in the other world. May I acquire good and pleasant objects in this world and also in the other world

सौमनस॒श्च॑ मे भ॒द्रं च॑ मे॒ श्रेय॑श्च मे॒
saumanasaśca’ me bhadraṃ ca’ me śreya’śca me
May I have the joy and solace of good relations with one and all. May I attain welfare and prosperity in this world and spiritual welfare in the other world.

वस्य॑श्च मे॒ यश॑श्च मे॒ भग॑श्च मे॒ द्रवि॑णं च मे
vasya’śca me yaśa’śca me bhaga’śca me dravi’ṇaṃ ca me
May I be granted comfortable habitations, good fortunes, wealth and fame.

य॒न्ता च॑ मे ध॒र्ता च॑ मे॒ क्षेम॑श्च मे॒ धृति॑श्च मे॒
yantā ca’ me dhartā ca’ me kṣema’śca me dhṛti’śca me
May I have the guidance of elders and teachers who can control and lead me in the right way. Let me have parents and elders who will comfort and support me. May I be blessed with the capacity to protect and retain what I have already earned. May I be granted unshaken fortitude under the most trying and difficult circumstances.

विश्वं॑ च मे॒ मह॑श्च मे स॒ंविच्च॑ मे॒ ज्ञात्रं॑ च मे॒
viśva’ṃ ca me maha’śca me saṃvicca’ me ṅñātra’ṃ ca me
May I win the goodwill, respect and honour in the world. May I acquire the knowledge of vedas and sastras and ability to disseminate the knowledge to others.

सूश्च॑ मे प्र॒सूश्च॑ मे॒ सीरं॑ च मे ल॒यश्च॑ म
sūśca’ me prasūśca’ me sīra’ṃ ca me layaśca’ ma
May I have the capacity to command obedience and work from my children out of love. May I have the executive ability and drive to extract obedience and work from my servants and others. May I be blessed with unqualified success in my agricultural and husbandry operations.

ऋ॒तं च॑ मे॒‌உमृतं॑ च मे‌உय॒क्ष्मं च॒ मे‌உना॑मयच्च मे
ṛtaṃ ca’ me‌உmṛta’ṃ ca me‌உyakṣmaṃ ca me‌ ‌உnā’mayacca me
May I perform sacrifices and other rites and reap the inevitable spiritual fruits of such sastric karmas. May I be granted total resistance and immunity from major and minor ailments.

जी॒वातु॑श्च मे दीर्घायु॒त्वं च॑ मे‌உनमि॒त्रं च॒ मे‌உभ॑यं च मे
jīvātu’śca me dīrghāyutvaṃ ca’ me‌உnamitraṃ ca me‌உbha’yaṃ ca me
May I have the possession of herbs and remedies which would grant me a long life. May I be saved from untimely death. May I be granted freedom from fear and enemity.

सु॒गं च॑ मे॒ शय॑नं च मे सू॒षा च॑ मे॒ सु॒दिनं॑ च मे
sugaṃ ca’ me śaya’naṃ ca me sūṣā ca’ me sudina’ṃ ca me
May I possess righteous conduct which wins the approval of one and all. May I be blessed with a sound sleep,happy and auspicious dawn and a fruitful day.

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