Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Sephiroth Final Boss Hard Mode

Описание к видео Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Sephiroth Final Boss Hard Mode

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Hard Mode finally completed.

Where to begin

Was off and on with Rebirth for some time and when I started playing again I was doing random things such as trying to do side stuff, levelling up Materia and so forth which ended up with me putting off doing the final chapter for at least a good month or two, whilst also playing other games and well life in general so to finally have this game finished on Hard Mode is so satisfying, and arguably my game of the year for 2024, so much better, fun and a huge improvement to Final Fantasy VII Remake, last things that need doing are combat challenges and the final side quest for the Ultimate Party Animal, my focus will be just getting the legendary Solo challenges out the way to get Clouds last SP so I can fully upgrade and max out the weapon levels.

Will say having Precision Defense Focus helped a lot, my only mistake was not having Aerith have ATB Boost and should’ve saved some MP for Cloud to at least pressure Sephiroth with Magic, took so many tries to finally beat him and get a pretty satisfying run, can’t wait for Part 3 of the FF7 Remake Trilogy.


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