Pharma’s key opinion leaders— Epistemic corruption in medical science

Описание к видео Pharma’s key opinion leaders— Epistemic corruption in medical science

Seminar by Sergio Sismondo PhD
In its efforts to more effectively market its products, the pharmaceutical industry often turns to ‘key opinion leaders’ (KOLs) to disseminate scientific information. This presentation documents some uses of KOLs in pharmaceutical companies’ marketing efforts. This contributes to a situation in which companies with well-defined and narrow interests have substantial influence over how medical knowledge is produced, circulated and consumed.
Read his book here:

Comments from chat:
After I'd written something about ghost writers, I was contacted by one of them -fascinating. and
I have the impression that there is still not much awareness the problems you raised, at least in my area. On the contrary, KOLs are hired as leaders of University (Clinics) because they bring both money and publications
On clinical papers, the CoI are first thing I turn to now.
When the FDA are in bed with pharma to such gratuitous levels why should a few KOLs COI declarations on a research paper matter!?? Shame on regulatory and publishing industry for allowing such a low bar...
Many patient advocacy groups accept significant funds from pharma companies — but it is difficult to discover this on their websites
Very true...pharma have captured a lot of patient advocacy groups. They have their tentacles in every pie. Part of the new world order globalist military industrial complex...
But doctors' corruption is more DANGEROUS than the corruption of people in other professions. My dad was a general practitioner back in the so-called "good old days" of medicine. He spoke even then of doctors who performed surgeries on people who didn't need them JUST TO MAKE MONEY. It has always been thus, I am sad to say.
What are your thoughts on the preparation that young doctors and medical students are given to be equipped for the conflicts of interest they’ll face throughout their careers? I know many medical universities here in Germany don’t have CoI policies, and from anecdotal US evidence, it doesn’t seem like conflict of interest is discussed in medical schools. Do future doctors even have a chance at navigating these waters - and to what degree is medical education biased if many KOL-researchers are also faculty members/professors, etc?
Yes it is very sad and quite a lot of doctors are also corrupted by money. These waters are very stormy...revolution needed.
Rockefeller behind the education systems in most medical schools for over a century. Follow the money should have been the phrase these past years not follow the science!


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