Digging for Softshell Clams: A Family Adventure

Описание к видео Digging for Softshell Clams: A Family Adventure

I head out with my family for a quick trip to the river in search of softshell clams (Mya arenaria), also called mud clams and eastern soft-shells. Softshells are common in the Pacific Northwest, and digging them is relatively easy which makes it a great activity for kids too. I also show you my method for how to clean softshells. A single softshell clam doesn't provide a lot of meat, but if you're used to eating crayfish this probably won't seem like a reason not to dig softshells! Softshells make for an excellent clam chowder.

Although softshells are invasive to the Pacific Northwest, here in Oregon these is still a limit and a shellfish license is required, so please make sure you're compliant before you head out. Additionally, they look superficially like gaper clams (which have very different harvesting restrictions) so be sure not to confuse the two species, although I've found they inhabit very different areas so you're not likely to mix them up.

If you have any clam cleaning or cooking suggestions or if you just want to share your own clamming (mis)adventure stories, please leave a comment. And finally, I hope you are staying safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. We took this short clamming trip just before the advisement came out to restrict unnecessary trips.


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