Let's virtually explore Tarapoto Peru!

Описание к видео Let's virtually explore Tarapoto Peru!

  / dansonthestreet  

Let's explore the world through Google Street View.

Today we are visiting Tarapoto Peru. This is a beautiful part of the world with its dense jungle forests and amazing natural waterfalls. It was great to drive around the city a bit and see some of what it looks like to live in Tarapoto. Lots of shops! Pretty cool place.

Thanks for watching for one year! I have really enjoyed making these videos and appreciate your support.


Here you can check out where we have been on Google Maps.

Thanks to Google for Street View.

#Tarapoto #Peru #StreetView

  / dansonthestreet  

Title Music:
Zameen Movement of Earth by Aakash Gandhi

Bovi by The Grand Affair

Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/vendaface/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/honor/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/


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