Red Blood Parrot Cichlid Care - Tank Behavior Community

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Aquarium red Blood Parrot Cichlid Care. If you don’t have a water changer yet GET ONE. An amount of water needs to be changed every so often.

Unpopular opinion: keeping artificial plants, decorations, fake coral, etc is really lame and doesn’t look good at all. Agreed, but each to his own. I like having nitrogen sinks (what live plants provide) which allow for less water changes.

Depends on what kind of tank you have. I have cichlids in a tank with no plants, glofish tank with bright colored fake plants for my grandkids. It's pretty. I have a community tank with all live plants and driftwood. I love the look of all of them. I very much agree, however I for the life of me can't keep plants alive, no matter what I do. Even cactus I kill.
I killed a succulent last week. As much as I'd like a planted tank, I can't.
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Only backgrounds can be fake in my personal opinion. Not included posters, they are also a no go. Paint / spray only. It may look good if there is fake plants of high quality, but when i find out they are fake it drop to 0 out of 10. Too each their own, but if the fish don't eat them it's kind of a staple in my opinion. Yea looks better I think , but free from opinion is how much fitration benefits and comfort for the fish they provide.

Sexing Blood Parrot Cichlids - Male or Female?    • Видео  

As long as the fishes needs are being met, they don't care what the deco looks like. That means that it's up to the human to decorate. If what others would consider "lame" gives the person a sense of connection and pride in the tank, then I think it's great. The more vested interest the person has in the tank, the more likely they are to work harder at maintaining it. This leads to happier and healthier fish which is a win for animal and human alike. Outside of what's in the best interest of the fish, the rest is just rude and judgemental nonsense.

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Red Blood Parrot Cichlid Care. It's all about personal opinion. Everyone should do what they want with their tank and keep their opinions to themselves unless it's helpful. I think it's really rude to comment like that about someone else's tank. Plus, nine times out of ten they give zero shits how you feel or care about people's unsolicited opinions on their decor.

Depends on the tank. It can look lovely, withstand fish that eat live plants, and doesn’t come with the added algae and snail problems. I love my real plants too though. I don't mind fake plants if they are arranged tastefully. I have a tank with fake plants and one with real plants. The one with fake plants sure is less work.

Recently switched from fake decor to natural. I'm a fan of the natural look, but I like decor with live plants or silk plants. My tanks are a mix. Right? It's like going to a strangers house and getting butthurt because you don't like their color schemes and sofa.

This is my question, everyone says when they defend life plans over artificial plants that the live plants are so much better for the fish. I understand that they keep nitrates down so do water changes. I change my water once a week like most people my nitrates stay between 5 and 10 consistently. Aeration. Like I told a guy earlier tonight it takes $5 and Airline tubing to provide aeration. The way most people over filter these days the filters cause enough surface agitation. Also, I've heard hideouts . How do you have hideouts with limp Hesston plants. As I told him to I think everyone should do what they want depending on their preference of looks in an aquarium. no one should be made to feel that their aquarium is not beautiful because they choose not to use live plants. To each their own.

I don't want live plants because I don't want to introduce any pests. I'm not okay with killing the snails and that includes using an assassin snail. I agree live plants look better but my fake plants work just fine. Agree completely. It looks tacky. (Other than fake plants, sometimes they're the only option)
That being said I support anyone with whatever they want to put in their tank, as long as it does not endanger the well being of their animals. I like fake plants in my tanks because healthy fake plants look much better than half dead live ones. (I have never been able to keep a plant alive, in or out of water)


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