The Wreck Of The Ol' 97 Train Sim Movie

Описание к видео The Wreck Of The Ol' 97 Train Sim Movie

When Quinn and I were driving in the car one day, Johnny Cash came on the radio singing The Wreck of The Ol' 97. One of my favorites. After listening to it and discussing the lyrics we thought it might be fun to make a film about it so here it is.
We utilized Microsoft's Train Simulator for this project.
We used our artistic license and changed the story a bit.
The real event was truly a tragedy. Nine people lost their lives on September 27th 1903 at the Stillhouse Trestle including the engineer Joesph "Steve" Brody. Brody was pressured by the Southern Railway to bring the late mail train back on schedule. They were fined a dollar for every minute the mail was late. Unfortunately Brody pushed a bit too hard and ended up derailing. The Southern Railway placed blame for the wreck on engineer Broady, disavowing that he had been ordered to run as fast as possible to maintain the schedule.
I told Quinn there are two morals to this story.
#1- If you go too fast in anything, your going to get hurt.
#2- If "The Man" pressures you too do anything your not comfortable with, just walk away from it.
We would like to thank our friends for helping us with the sound track, Skip Howard, Gary Skillings, John Meehan, Sean Lake, Dave Lake and Leighton Paulsen,
Now we can start our next epic. I want to do something with helicopters.
Thanks for watching and reading this.


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