#15: Pt. 1 - The Room Where It Happened: The Net Promoter Backstory with Rob Markey, Bain & Co.

Описание к видео #15: Pt. 1 - The Room Where It Happened: The Net Promoter Backstory with Rob Markey, Bain & Co.

Rob Markey on the Delighted Customers Podcast Part 1 of 2

What would you expect from one of the top CX thought leaders in the world?

A powerful, insightful, revealing interview so packed with gems that I had to break it into two parts!

Rob Markey is the Co-Inventor of the Net Promoter System and the Co-Author of The Ultimate Question 2.0.

In Part 1 (this episode):

We discuss:

Loyalty levers to pull in a down economy How loyalty leaders can excel in a recession Why Rob initially rejected a single question to measure customer loyalty? This misinterpretation of Net Promoter Score Why that one question was selected as the right question to measure customer loyalty

Rob Markey Bio

Has led dozens of successful customer-centric transformations at large, global companies​ Creator of Bain’s approach to customer-centricity​ Introduced Earned Growth through Customer Value Management in “Are You Undervaluing Your Customers,” Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2020​ Co-inventor of the Net Promoter System; co-author The Ultimate Question 2.0; Leader of Bain’s NPS Loyalty Forum​ Founder of Bain’s Customer Strategy and Marketing practice​ 30+ years at Bain​ MBA, Harvard; BA, Brown​ Ran 7 marathons and aspires to complete all the world majors by 2024 And by the way, happens to host his own podcast, The Net Promoter System Podcast

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