It's been 4 years now, and Billy still hasn't found his Yarnie.
Vs. Dave and Bambi: Golden Apple Edition Mod:
Billy's Basic Educational Game:
Original Algebra Song By @SkyFactorial: • Algebra - Friday Night Funkin vs Dave...
Inspired By @wildy1233 @XanderTheBBIEALFan2009: • Algebra but it's Billy's Basic Educat... • Ferocious Billy's Basic Educational G...
Vocals And Chromatic Scales:
Friday Night Funkin':
Baldi's Basics:
Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered:
Baldi's Basics Is Owned By Basically Games, I Do NOT Own It!
Billy's Basics Is Owned By Le Billy, I Do NOT Own It!
Created With: (FL Studio 20, Audacity, Chromatic Scale Generator, Fasguy's Baldi Mod Menu, Paint.Net, Paint 3D, Sprite XML Generator, GIMP, and OBS Studio.)
Uh oh! Your tryin to kiss ur hot girlfriend, but her MEAN and EVIL dad is trying to KILL you! He's an ex-rockstar, the only way to get to his heart? The power of music...
Friday Night Funkin' is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes and new content. A full version of the game is currently in development, having been successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets.
#fnf #fridaynightfunkin #fnfgoldenapple #goldenapple #goldenapplefnf #algebra #cover #coversong #baldi #fnfcover #baldisbasics #daveandbambi #billy #baldimods #modified #mod #fnfmod
Alternative Titles: Algebra, But It's Billy's Basics Algebra, But Billy Algebra, But Billy's Basic Educational Game
Even More Tags:
fnf,friday night funkin,friday night funkin',fridaynightfunkin,fridaynightfunkin',fnf algebra,algebra,algebra fnf,fnf dave and bambi,dave and bambi,dave and bambi fnf,dnb,fnf dnb,dnb fnf,fnf baldi,baldi,baldi fnf,baldi's basics,fnf baldi's basics,baldi's basics fnf,fnf billy,billy's basics,Billy's Basic Educational Game,billy fnf,fnf billy's basics,billy's basics fnf,fnf cover,cover fnf,cover,cover song,song cover,fnf cover song,cover song fnf
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