《钟声依旧》华侨中学一百周年歌曲(附字幕) Hwa Chong 100th Anniversary Song

Описание к видео 《钟声依旧》华侨中学一百周年歌曲(附字幕) Hwa Chong 100th Anniversary Song

My school, Hwa Chong, has a very long history in Singapore. This year, the centennial anniversary of Hwa Chong is important not only to Hwa Chong but also to Singapore. Under the two tall trees has been so many stories of Hwa Chong students since the last century. HCI has nurtured countless leaders and contributors to Singapore society. Lots of seniors are gathering in the Hwa Chong school field on March 21, Founders Day Gala Dinner, like birds flocking back to the forest where all of them grew up. Let us celebrate the 100th birthday of this great school with this melodious song to show our appreciation and wish for its brighter future.
2019年,华中迎来百年校庆。生机勃勃的狮岛,和谐温馨的华中校园,云树苍茏间,巍巍钟楼前,这是一个充满美好回忆的地方。世界各地的华中校友都会在3月21日回到新加坡齐聚华中参加校庆。这就是百年的悠悠华岗情。纵使经历百年历史的冲刷,悠悠钟声不变,依旧敲在每个人的心中,提醒着华中人“自强不息” “饮水思源”。请让我们华中大家庭在这百年之际,为华中献上一首歌,唱出我们的感恩,唱出我们的自豪。


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