Industry-Presented Webinar: Sleep Tactics for Better Health and Performance

Описание к видео Industry-Presented Webinar: Sleep Tactics for Better Health and Performance

Optimal sleep is critical for health and considered one of the most potent performance enhancers available. During sleep, many processes take place including repairing and rebuilding muscle, and the pruning and forming of new memories. For an athlete, sub-optimal sleep can lead to impaired mood, shorter time to exhaustion, poor nutrition choices, and greater injury risk. We will discuss the importance of making sure athletes get sufficient quantity, quality and timing of sleep – so they can perform better on and off the field.

Learning Objectives:
• Define what constitutes good sleep, including optimal sleep quantity, quality and timing of sleep.
• Dispel sleep myths and translate that knowledge into sleep education for athletes in a meaningful way
• Implement sleep screening strategies and identification of maladaptive sleep behaviors in the athletes you are working with
• Implement other sleep strategies, including “banking sleep” and napping

Presenter: Amy Bender, MS, Ph.D.

Dr. Bender is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Calgary in the Faculty of Kinesiology. She received her Ph.D. and Master of Science degrees in Experimental Psychology from Washington State University specializing in sleep EEG. She has developed sleep optimization strategies for numerous Canadian Olympic and Professional teams and is now using her expertise to understand how sleep interventions can improve mental health outcomes.

Sponsor: Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI)

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