is the Ironclad the new "Liberator Killer?"

Описание к видео is the Ironclad the new "Liberator Killer?"

The new Drake Ironclad and Ironclad Assault are the new concept ships for Star Citizen, announced at Invictus 2954. A huge cargo ship and a combat vehicle landing ship respectively, these multi-crew vessels are the latest additions to Cloud Imperium Games' space MMO.

I look at them comparison with the Liberator, and ask whether the Liberator is still valid, or has the Ironclad killed it. This video is sure to rule some gamer feathers - just keep it respectful in the comments!

#starcitizen #squadron42 #dgp

Video Links:
The Ironclad sale page:
The Liberator Q&A:
The Ironclad Spec sheet (including the Assault and Command Module):
The Ironclad Q&A on Spectrum:

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