李少民1956年生于政治风暴中心北京,其家庭经历传奇。其父李洪林在毛泽东死后力主思想解放,提出“读书无禁区”,“不是人民忠于领袖,而是领袖应该忠于人民”。李洪林在1989年民主运动被镇压之后以“学运黑手”被中共关押十个月。李少民文革期间当美术兵,1977年考入北大经济系,1982年赴美,1988年获普林斯顿大学博士、后赴哈佛大学做博士后研究。2001年被中共以“危害国家安全”关押五个月。李少民现为美国欧道明大学(Old Dominion University)讲座教授、管理系主任,弗吉尼亚杰出教授奖获得者,著有《The Rise of China, Inc.》和《从毛主席的美术兵到习近平的漫画家》。李少民的经历反映了中国改革开放历程和近年来中共挑战世界秩序这一变化。
Shaomin Li was born in 1956 in Beijing, the center of the CCP's political storm, and his family experience is legendary. After the death of Mao Zedong, his father, Li Honglin, spearheaded the Thought Liberation Movement, proposing that "there is no forbidden area in reading books" and that "it is not that the people are loyal to the leader, but that the leader should be loyal to the people." After the 1989 pro-democracy movement was suppressed, Li Honglin was imprisoned for 10 months by the CCP as a "black hand behind the student movement." Shaomin served as an art soldier during the Cultural Revolution, was admitted to the Department of Economics of Peking University in 1977, went to the United States in 1982, received a doctorate from Princeton University in 1988, and later went to Harvard University for postdoctoral research. In 2001, he was detained for five months by the CCP for "endangering state security." Shaomin Li is currently an Eminent Scholar and Chair of the Department of Management at Old Dominion University, a recipient of the Virginia Distinguished Professor Award, and the author of "The Rise of China, Inc." and "From Mao's Art Soldier to Xi Jinping's Cartoonist."
李少民以自传体讲述和编辑的政治漫画集《从毛泽东的美术兵到习近平的漫画家》。在本书前半部以图文并茂的方式讲述他在中美的独特经历,在后半部收入近年来他画的60余幅当代政治时事漫画。 这些漫画内容包括国际事件、美中关系、贪污腐败、官商勾结、各类人物如习近平、拜登、普京、金正恩、马斯克、库克、盖茨等等。
In his book, "From Mao's Art Soldier to Xi's Cartoonist," the author and painter, Shaomin Li, tells the story of his unique experiences in China and the United States in a well-illustrated way. The book includes over 60 cartoons of contemporary political and current affairs that he has drawn in recent years. These cartoons include international events, U.S.-China relations, corruption, collusion between officials and business people, and various characters such as Xi Jinping, Biden, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Elon Musk, Cook, Gates, and so on. Shaomin Li's experience reflects the history of China's reform and opening up and the changes in recent years in which the CCP has challenged the world order.
#邓小平 #胡耀邦 #毛泽东 #改革开放 #思想解放
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