Python Flask Web Survey App Tutorial

Описание к видео Python Flask Web Survey App Tutorial

In this step-by-step video tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple survey web app using Flask, a lightweight Python web framework. We'll cover the basics of setting up your Flask environment, creating templates with Jinja2, creating a database, handling form submissions, and displaying survey results. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to build a user-friendly survey app that collects user responses and displays aggregated results in a visually appealing dashboard. No prior Flask experience is required; beginners and experienced developers alike can benefit from this hands-on guide.

#Python #Flask #WebDevelopment

00:00 Intro
00:15 What is Flask?
01:18 Flask Environment Setup
03:05 Main Flask App Code
07:05 Index / Form Template
10:51 Testing/Debugging App
13:44 Results Template
17:08 Results Route
19:06 Testing Results Route
21:20 Code Cleanup


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