
Описание к видео #ProjectHealthViz

For January 2021, Sean Miller and I reviewed the #ProjectHealthViz submissions on the NHS hospital admissions by doctor speciality. The month's added challenge was to create a dashboard for a c-suite audience, or an executive.

Listen in to learn about some key techniques and design choices that are key for making a successful dashboard for an executive audience.

A few takeaways from this month's submissions:
1. Keep filters and interactivity to a minimum (direct clicks vs. drop-down if possible) - interactivity should be quick and easy to access.
2. Keep it at a high aggregation level and only show the most important information only - perhaps just the top 10, or items someone needs to immediately react to, only label certain important values instead of all.
3. Grid layout - KPIs to the top or left, menu pane to separate off filters and navigation buttons, use enclosure to group charts together.
4. Use color to direct your executive to the important information first so if they have 1 minute, they will know what they need to review immediately.
5. Use charts that can be analyzed quickly as a whole such as big numbers, histograms, Pareto charts, dot strip plots, and bar charts. If many values are required, add custom sort options.
6. Keep it to one dashboard for an executive for the summary. Drill down reports can provide additional details.
7. Add small "how to" text below titles if there is interactivity to ensure your executive will know how to use what you built.
8. Ensure your text is large enough and has enough contrast for your user. Remember that seeing small, light text can be very difficult for many people. Your exec isn't going to want to be squinting to read your dashboard.

Check out my blog as vizzendata.com for more information on how to make a great c-suite dashboard.

00:00 Intro
02:03 Sean Miller
05:30 Lindsay Betzendahl
09:47 Alice McKnight
11:15 Eric Balash
15:42 Yerramsetti Sivaramakrishna
21:46 Hanane Ouhammouch
25:17 Jared Flores
27:34 Robin King
31:15 Quintin la Rooy
34:48 Dennis Kao
38:02 Pradeep Kumar G
43:44 Wrap up/Outro

Lindsay & Sean


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