Archangel Metatron Activation [Guided Meditation] Access Higher Knowledge and Raise Vibration [7/14]

Описание к видео Archangel Metatron Activation [Guided Meditation] Access Higher Knowledge and Raise Vibration [7/14]

Archangel Metatron Activation [Guided Meditation] Access Higher Knowledge and Raise Vibration [7/14]

Rachael's Angel Healing & Attunement - A Special Workshop Activation
🗓: Sunday, March 10th @ 12pm EST

Angel Prayers Oracle Deck by Kyle Gray--

Angel Prayers Book by Kyle Gray--

✨More Energy Healing at

✨Energetic Exchange Donation at

✨🔥Twin Flame Manifest Union Program--Step-by-Step Course based on success personally and working with thousands of TFs:

✨🔥Twin Membership Group--Extensive monthly healings, Q & A sessions, Bonus content, resources & videos:

Archangel Ariel- Manifestation, Healing, Peaceful Power, Connection between Physical and Metaphysical

Archangel Azrael- Transformation, Death and Rebirth, Addictions, Mediumship, Helps Souls Cross Over, Comfort from Grief or Loss

Archangel Chamuel- Inner Peace, Unconditional Love, Self Love, Relationship Harmony, Physical Health and Weight Loss, Finding Lost Items

Archangel Gabriel- Help with Career or Business, Creative Pursuits, Life Purpose, Sacral Chakra Healing, Nurturing, Children, Fertility, Inner Child Healing

Archangel Jeremiel- Emotional Healing, Forgiveness, Healing from Trauma, Grief, Shadow Work, Guidance, Clarity on Life Lessons Being Learned

Archangel Jophiel- Helps Clear Internal or External Clutter, Energy Clearing, Beauty, Balance, Clarity, Access to Higher Knowledge, Distinguish Between Ego and Higher Self

Archangel Metatron- Crown Chakra Opening, Intuition, Higher Knowing, Connection to Divine, Spiritual Connection, Spiritual Healing, Healing Karma, Energy Work, Divine Guidance, Release Worries, Clear Lower Energies

Archangel Michael- Protection, Cutting Chords, Releasing Attachments, Grounding and Root Chakra Healing, Security, Safety, Strength, Perseverance, Power

Archangel Raguel- Communication, Relationship Healing, Friendship, Cheer and Happiness, Peace and Harmony, Fairness

Archangel Raphael- Healing, Assist Healers, Miracles, Support, Physical and Emotional Health, Heart Chakra, Planetary Healing, Access to New or Ancient Healing Techniques

Archangel Raziel- Psychic Abilities, Metaphysical Practices, High Level Understanding, Unlock Spiritual Gifts, Discover Soul’s Purpose, Understanding Dreams and Synchronicities

Archangel Sandalphon- Divine Messages, Prayer, Affirmations, Intentions, Music, Clarification, Truth, Power Through Words, Carries Your Message to Others

Archangel Uriel- Divine Light, Meditation, Clarity, Higher Perspective, Clear Mind of Confusion, Decision Making, Brainstorming New Ideas, Solutions

Archangel Zadkiel- Learning, Forgiveness, Compassion, Love, Reconnection, Life Purpose, Discernment, Divine Intervention, Healing Relationships Through Love, Freedom, Alchemy, Justice

Note--The amazon links listed above are amazon associates link. I receive a small commission upon each purchase through this link

About energy transmission
This video channels energy from the Divine through the channel, into you. It is always sent for your highest and best good and the highest and best good for all involved.
These are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services.

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