Explaining a version of dominoes all fives. It wasn't easy explaining and playing in this setting but hopefully you learn something. This version can be played with up to 4 players. This video is missing a few things and the sound is low but here is a full description below. 👸🏽

Delana Davis

General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To demonstrate to my audience the process of playing Dominoes (BONES) All Fives.
I. Have you ever played Dominoes or seen anyone play? This is one of my favorite games ever.

II. There are many different types of games that can be played with a dominoes set.

III. Today I will give a detailed explanation of the game ALL fives. There are many different types of games that can be played with a dominoes set. I enjoy being able to utilize mental math it has always been something fun for me.
I. To begin, we will be getting the dominoes set prepared for play, and distributing the dominoes to each player.
A. The First Steps in playing a successful game of Dominoes are to place the dominoes face down onto the playing area. Make a scorecard, shuffle (Wash) dominoes, as a group choose one Domino (Bone) each.
B. The player with the lowest domino shuffles bones alone. The player that chooses the highest bone plays first spinner.
The next step is getting the game started.
II. Each player now has dominoes a spinner can be placed down.
A. The player with double six domino starts the game this is the “Spinner’ (First hand only).

1. If the double six has not been pulled the next highest double becomes the spinner. (Ex: Double five this is only an option for game of four players.)
2. The game begins by placing a domino down matching the spinner.
3. The next player on the left (Clockwise) continues game by placing a matching domino out of there hand down on to the board.

B. After first hand is won, the spinner is selected by the player who picked highest domino, game begins.
1. Pull 7 (Bones) Dominoes, making sure to hide your dominoes so that the other players can’t see them.

2. Place the remaining dominoes after players pull to the side this is called the “boneyard” these are used when there is no play. (This only applies to games with 3 players or less.)

A. Boneyard playing is usually a good thing for opposing players as it gives them an opportunity to dominos first.
B. If the player from the boneyard hasn’t pulled a domino to play they must continue to pull from the boneyard.
C. After first hand is won, a new spinner is selected by the player who won the previous game.

1. The dominoes should be shuffled (washed) before winner pulls 7 new bones.
2. Once washed and winner of last game has pulled other opponents choose 7 dominoes.
Another important part of the game, is the object of scoring.
III. The game of dominoes is all about the points (scoring).
A. The object is to score, by adding in multiples of FIVES.

1. ( EX: Double six is in play, next player to left can score by placing a 6/3 domino down making the score 15.)
2. The open sides are added to score points.

B. Playing on the spinner.

1. The spinner is the only Domino (Bone) that can be played on ALL four sides.
2. The dominoes in play should always touch on matching sides.
3. It’s always smart to play a spinner with a common domino in your hand.
(EX: When you pull your 7 Dominoes if you have 4 dominoes with threes on them you should play a three spinner because you have more than your opponents.)
IV. (Dominoes)
A. ALL FIVES is a game of dominoes that can be played with up 4 players. Games with 3 players leaves 7 Dominoes (Bones) for (BONEYARD) and a 2 player game leaves 14.
B. There are 28 dominoes in a set, a 4-player game clears the board and all dominoes are in play.

I. We have learned how to play the game of Dominoes all fives. I covered how to begin the game with the player who chooses double six domino, as well as how many dominoes each player should have at start of game. We have also learned how to score in the game and how the player who wins becomes the person who lays spinner down.
II. If you are teaching someone else or just strengthening your own mental math skills, the game of dominoes is also a great and fun way to do so.

How Many Tiles And Dots Are In A Dominoes Set? - Dominoes FAQ. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2017, from


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