Wilson 1000 Antenna Fix: Intermittent High SWR, Loss of Signal, Drops Out

Описание к видео Wilson 1000 Antenna Fix: Intermittent High SWR, Loss of Signal, Drops Out

Hey everyone!

I was having some frustrating issues with my Wilson 1000 Mag Mount antenna, so I decided to take a look at it myself. I mean, how hard could it be, right?

Turns out, it wasn't too hard at all! I just had a bad solder connection on one of the three soldered points. Once I fixed that, the antenna worked great again!

I'm so excited to share this fix with you in this video. I hope it helps you out if you're having similar issues with your antenna.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

Cheers, 73!

1. Remove antenna from roof and remove the mag mount (if applicable).
2. Remove antenna whip by loosening the two set screws.
3. Remove whip base by using pliers to twist it off.
4. Using a razor blade, or other tool, carefully break the seal between the top cap and the base.
5. Using a rubber or plastic hammer, tap the top of the antenna on the brass screw to get the antenna to separate.
6. Check the coil for any bad solder connections/joints.
7. Fix bad solder joints
8. Reassemble in the reverse order you took it apart.
9. Tune the antenna

... and you should be good to go!


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