"I'm grateful that, as an adult, I've had the opportunity to form genuine, close friendships"

Описание к видео "I'm grateful that, as an adult, I've had the opportunity to form genuine, close friendships"

Finnish with English subtitles.

Kristiina Michelsson and Pippa Laukka sat down to discuss their friendship that started when they began their Aalto Executive MBA studies in 2011. Both of them appreciate good networks and they expected that they would make new acquaintances during the studies - but making actual close friends came as a surprise.


Kristiina Michelsson ja Pippa Laukka istuivat alas keskustelemaan ystävyydestään, joka alkoi, kun he aloittivat Aalto Executive MBA -opintonsa vuonna 2011. Verkostoja arvostavina he molemmat osasivat odottaa saavansa opintojen kautta hyviä, uusia tuttavuuksia – mutta sydänystävyys tuli yllätyksenä.


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