सनातन परंपरा की पुनर्स्थापना में संत रामानन्दाचार्य जी की भूमिका | देवांशु झा |

Описание к видео सनातन परंपरा की पुनर्स्थापना में संत रामानन्दाचार्य जी की भूमिका | देवांशु झा |

The role of Sant Ramanandacharya in the restoration of Sanatan tradition and the left-wing conspiracy to forget him
सनातन परंपरा की पुनर्स्थापना में संत रामानन्दाचार्य जी की भूमिका और उन्हें भुलाने का वामपंथी षड्यंत्र - (श्री देवांशु झा का व्याख्यान)

Swami Ramanand was born 700 years ago. His reference is important to explain that there exists no discrimination in Sanatan Dharma on the basis of caste or social status. The caste discrimination that was prevalent at that time was not Hindu-born but rather situational. The invaders who came to India and took away political power from native Hindus, sow the seeds of discrimination, untouchability and casteism.
When Ramanand Ji observed this problem, he worked on war footing to tackle it. He had thousands of disciples who came from different caste and social standing. The twelve main disciples who were called "Dwadash Bhagwat”, had Kabir (weaver), Raidas (leather worker), Surasari, Dhanna (butcher), Mahatma Sen (barber) etc. which proves beyond any doubt that equal opportunity was available to everyone.
His main mantra was -
“जाती-पाँति पूछे न कोई। हरी को भजै सो हरी का होइ। “
Swami Ramanand started Bhakti movement and showed path of devotional bhakti to Hindus. He was the first great saint of medieval India who re-converted hundreds of millions of people back into Hinduism. He made an immense contribution towards restoring confidence and unity among Hindus of that era.

Speaker’s Profile:

Shri Devanshu Jha has been working in the field of journalism for eighteen years and he writes on contemporary issues. He has also written articles on the great sages and scholars of ancient India. He has deep faith in Sanatana Dharma. His collection of poems, 'Samay Vaachal Hai' was published by Prabhaat Prakashan

5:49 आज के समय में स्वामी रामानंद प्रासंगिक क्यों हैं
8:54 स्वामी रामानंद का जीवन
9:46 स्वामी रामानंद के समय भारत की स्थिति
11:06 स्वामी रामानंद के शिष्य - द्वादश महाभागवत
12:53 स्वामी रामानंद भक्ति धारा भारत में उत्तर की ओर लाए
14:39 स्वामी रामानंद का मूलसूत्र
15:02 कबीर, रैदास आदि शिष्यों के बारे में कुछ तथ्य
16:20 संत कबीर
25:32 संत रैदास
27:55 स्वामी रामानंद का योगदान
29:44 लोकभाषा में लिखने की प्रेरणा
31:25 निराला द्वारा तुलसीदास पर रचित कविता
35:03 हिन्दुओं की स्वधर्म वापसी
39:58 आज के समय में स्वामी रामानंद प्रासंगिक क्यों हैं

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