Alan O'Cais, MultiXscale, EESSI - Streaming scientific software

Описание к видео Alan O'Cais, MultiXscale, EESSI - Streaming scientific software

This lecture is part of the Nordic Industry Days 2024 - Supercomputing the gateway to AI.

The Nordic Industry Days took place 2-3 September 2024 in Copenhagen. It was a collaboration between the EuroCC competence centres in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden, as well as Dansk Industri.

More on the agenda and topics can be found here
ENCCS ( is based in Sweden and provides free training and support for accessing and using European supercomputers to companies and public organisations.
If you are a company or public authority based in Sweden interested in running your software or code on large European supercomputers please visit or contact us at [email protected].

Are you located in a European country or an associated country? Contact your local competence centre to get help and advice. For more information on the competence centres please follow this link

More information on EuroHPC JU systems you can find by following this link

You can read more about the countries associated with Horizon2020 here


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