Yellow- Coldplay | Piano Cover | YouKnowMyName

Описание к видео Yellow- Coldplay | Piano Cover | YouKnowMyName

One of my favourite songs of all time. This banger from Coldplay's first album has stood the test of time. This brings out emotions yk. Maybe some of which were previously unknown even to oneself. Personally this song means a lot to me. This reminds of all the things in life that give me a reason to smile. Reminds me of people that truly do care. It's weird that such a simple song can do this to a rather chill guy but damn, I can't ever get enough of this song.

Segments of this songs have been put under copyright for some reason. Just a clarification though, I practiced this on my own and referred to sheet music in apps suchas musescore. Any similarity to existing videos is coincidental. Btw though, the cover with which this one is similar to is quite great and much better than this one. Check it out. It was put out by a channel of the name The Theorist.

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