HD My Little Pony FIM The Fault in our Cutie Marks Season 6 Episode 19

Описание к видео HD My Little Pony FIM The Fault in our Cutie Marks Season 6 Episode 19

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are approached by Gabby, a griffon who is obsessed with ponies' cutie marks and desires one for herself. Not knowing if it is possible for griffons to have cutie marks, the Crusaders try anyway by taking Gabby through a list of helpful activities to see if she gets one. Although Gabby excels at everything she attempts, no cutie mark appears, and the Crusaders despairingly realize that their task is impossible. Feeling sorry for the Crusaders, Gabby surprises them by revealing a fake cutie mark she has "earned", but the three soon discover the truth when she suddenly tries to leave. The fillies determine that, despite her lack of a mark, Gabby still has a purpose in life by helping others, and they name her an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.


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