
Описание к видео ‪@Factfantastic-h5x‬

King Faisal - Written by Faisal Aijaz Bhutta
"I will only go to India on one condition, that I should not see a single idol there."
King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz was one of the ancestors of today's Saudi Crown Prince and was one of the great Muslim leaders who were targeted by the conspiracies of Jews and Christians during his reign.
He was the personality who, when India requested him to visit their country, he clearly stated that King Faisal would only go to that land if he didn't see a single idol there. And the Hindu empire accepted this demand of this warrior and removed and hid all the idols from the places he was going to pass through.
This was the same warrior who, to convince America of his status, had stopped the oil supply for only a few minutes, and America was under his feet.
Today, his lineage has become so liberal that instead of remembering the bravery of their ancestors, they say that our ancestors were very extremist. Instead of hating the enemies. of Muslims, they are giving them great awards.
#factfantastic #pakistan


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