Sonic: Into The Void (Genesis) - Longplay

Описание к видео Sonic: Into The Void (Genesis) - Longplay

A longplay for Sonic 1 hack is Sonic: Into The Void.

Sonic: Into The Void is a hack of Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) for the Sega Mega Drive / Sega Genesis by Blueblur93 which features a complete overhaul of the game, including new artwork, new HUD, new abilities and many other things.

The version 4.1 has now been released which includes even more of level changes, new music and sounds, edited/new sprite art, new act exclusive palettes, new zone and reworked bosses. (Note: The bosses are just mere concepts, future releases will have more tweaks to the bosses, ultimately leading to completely fresh looking bosses while using some of the original game's ideas.)

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