Описание к видео THE SPIRIT RESOURCE :- PART 2

This sermon explores the concept of spiritual beings and their interactions with humans. It discusses the power of speaking light into one's environment, the existence of celestial and terrestrial bodies, and the abilities of beings known as Watchers. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of receiving skills and understanding from God, as well as the interplay between the spiritual and physical realms.

00:00 The Power of Words and Living a Prosperous Life
09:48 Words spoken can enter you in the form of a spirit.
08:40 Living a prosperous life involves living like a lion, eagle, and ox.
11:31 Understanding the Spirit Resource and Spiritual Weapons
12:13 Learning about executing different personalities and scenarios in the marketplace
18:01 The potential within us to become a fortified force in the spiritual realm
23:02 The Spiritual and Physical Interplay: Understanding the Power of the Spirit
23:02 Ezekiel's visions of the Lord and the glory of the Lord left him physically weak until God spoke to him.
23:30 The spirit that entered Ezekiel enabled him to stand and have a prophetic encounter with God.
25:29 God, being a spirit, created the physical world and we, made in His image, have the power to speak things into existence.
30:32 Spirits can control and manipulate the physical, as seen in Ezekiel and Daniel's experiences.
33:23 Gabriel, appearing as a man, had the ability to fly, demonstrating the interplay between the spiritual and physical realms.
34:32 The Power of Beings and the Abilities They Possess
34:37 There is an invisible force that helps beings fly swiftly.
44:45 Gabriel came to Daniel to deliver understanding and skills as a package.
46:01 The Power of Gabriel's Presence and the Ability to Stand in the Presence of God
46:06 Receiving skill and dexterity from beings created by God
47:36 Gabriel's visitations always result in receiving something valuable
48:30 The advantage of having spiritual experiences and hearing from God
48:52 The inconsistency of the world's exams compared to God's ability to provide answers
51:32 Gabriel's role in giving understanding and assurance of God's promises
55:05 The significance of standing in the presence of God as a credential
1:09:07 The Division of Heaven's Hosts Among Nations
1:10:41 Skill and understanding are not given freely by the devil, but they are essential for success.
1:12:19 When skill is given by God, you can solve any problem and fix things beyond your comprehension.
1:19:33 God has divided the host of Heaven among nations, giving each geographical nation its own airspace.
1:20:38 The Division of Territories and Spiritual Resources
1:20:38 Countries have divided territories, including the sky and oceans.
1:22:03 Non-believers have divided resources among themselves, leaving only heaven for others.
1:26:47 Beings that appear human but are not humans have strange abilities and disguise themselves well.
1:32:13 The Power and Abilities of Earthly Watchers
1:32:42 Beings on Earth, known as Watchers, are powerful and have the ability to extract physical bodies from the dust of the Earth.
1:35:04 God does not fully trust even his holy ones, including angels, and is suspicious of their loyalty.
1:40:52 Watchers can infiltrate systems, hack databases, and possess technological knowledge beyond human capabilities.
1:42:53 The nation of Israel is known for its advanced technological intelligence, attributed to their obedience to God's statutes.
1:43:44 The Presence of Non-Human Beings Among Humans
1:43:56 Loyal people to God have advanced understanding of military strategies.
1:45:20 There are humans who are not really humans, such as Watchers and the sons of Belial.
1:46:18 The sons of Belial are rebellious and cannot be convinced or convicted by any means.
1:55:15 The Nature of Celestial and Terrestrial Bodies
1:55:15 There is no genuine miracle or pure gospel that is finished without God's involvement.
1:56:09 God's heavenly beings, known as Watchers, have knowledge of earthly activities and can interact with humans.
2:03:12 The heavens have celestial bodies and minerals, just like the Earth has terrestrial bodies and minerals.
2:06:38 There are riches and glory in the heavens that are accessible to humans.
2:06:46 Understanding Celestial and Terrestrial Bodies
2:06:50 Celestial bodies belong to heaven, while terrestrial bodies belong to Earth.
2:07:01 Celestial bodies can be found on Earth and have a different glory than terrestrial bodies.
2:13:07 Space is not empty and is inhabited by creatures responsible for transportation of sound, light, smell, heat, and cold.
2:18:18 The Power of Speaking Light into Your Atmosphere
2:18:18 Speaking light into your atmosphere can change your environment and bring victory.
2:21:14 Your current situation is not a problem, but a successful situation waiting to change.
2:27:38 Praying with authority sets your atmosphere in motion and equips your environment.


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