2,500% Arch-Glacor Hypothermic (no food, no overheads, no reaver)

Описание к видео 2,500% Arch-Glacor Hypothermic (no food, no overheads, no reaver)

did this challenge at 2,000% a year ago before fsoa nerf, but now that it's a pvme feat some people questioned the viability without blood barrage so heres an updated version but at 2,500%. completed the challenge first try after first consuming my sign to make it more fair, and forgot to add vuln bombs to my preset lol.

just abused aegis aura with 5p crypt and enfeeble to reduce damage and rotated the proper defensives with turtling and bulwark to live the entire kill, was pretty free. nearly whiffed it at the end for getting greedy.


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