Webinar 2: Tangential Flow Fitlration: a key step in Vaccines Production

Описание к видео Webinar 2: Tangential Flow Fitlration: a key step in Vaccines Production

More or less, all the vaccines share the same production chain: Upstream, Downstream and Formulation.
The Upstream involves the production of the vaccine from different cell types such as insect, mammalian or bacterial cells.
Tangential Flow Filtration (TFF) has been a common Downstream technology for the clarification and concentration of the compounds that comprise the final vaccine formulation.
What combination of steps (e.g. lysis, clarification, concentration, diafiltration, etc) do I need during my filtration process? What membrane type should I use? What product characteristics and process parameters are relevant?
This webinar will aim to cover the principles, process and product factors, and recommendations that you, bioprocessist, shall bear in mind when going for TFF, including:
• Considerations of particularities of your process and steps that you may need prior to TFF (e.g. lysis step if your target compound was to be found intracellularly (like the one used for rotavirus vaccines).
• Principles and recommendations to choose the filtering membrane type (ceramic vs. hollow fiber vs. cassettes) and material for your process.
• Principles and recommendations to select the right pore size foe ach step of the TFF.
• A list of the biochemical features that must be considered and how these can impact other process decisions.
• An indication of the results you shall obtain.
As always, during this webinar BIONET aims to propose a practical step-guided methodology, an unique result of a combined large experience as designers of TFF systems and our involvement in TFF process optimization activities.


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