FASTER ECHO BIKE - Learn how to use the Rogue Echo Bike more efficiently to get Calories faster

Описание к видео FASTER ECHO BIKE - Learn how to use the Rogue Echo Bike more efficiently to get Calories faster

Athletes in your everyday Crossfit gym get on the Echo Bike and mindlessly ride in order to finish what is required of them. Unfortunately these athletes don't make very good progress in the workout or on the bike in general because they have no frame of reference when riding. Other than just looking at the calories and hoping they will move faster. For one you have to have it adjusted correctly in order to get the most power out of your body.Then understand what to look at in order to stay consistent. It is easy during a workout on this machine to THINK you are going the same speed throughout when really you are slowing down. I use wattage in order to track my output in order to stay strong and consistent throughout my bike exercise.


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