Accounting 101: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement

Описание к видео Accounting 101: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement

This video series is for those new to account­ing or indi­vid­u­als who just want to know a lit­tle more about account­ing basics. That is my tar­get audience.

In this video, I explain the Cash Flow Statement. To make the concept more concrete, I compare the personal/household cash flow to business cash flow using several common transactions. I also walk the viewer through an actual cash flow statement explaining how it is organized and how infor­ma­tion on the statement is related.

My playlist table of contents, Video Companion Guide PDF documents, and file downloads can be found on my website:

Thank you for watching!

Warren, C.S. (2008). Survey of Accounting (Fourth Edition). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

(I really like this book so check it out!)


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