Я принесу мою журбу...

Описание к видео Я принесу мою журбу...

Простір неба вночі яскраво запалюють зорі
Спокій звуком землі дарують малі цвіркуни
Божа милість до Мене щодня оновлює силу
І спасаючу дію являє крізь моє життя.

В долинах молився, щоб вивів на гору ту.
Де вірно встою, братам руку простягну.

Я принесу мою журбу...
... Одна надія, допомога
Твоя рука
На цій землі лишу страхи
... Єдина віра...порятує
Моє життя

Коли темні часи навколо затьмарють простір...
Я немов увісні читаю новини сумні.
Коли зорі погасили всі
Я вірити не перестала
Бо єдина зоря запалила у серці надію, у душі...

Я принесу мою журбу...
... Одна надія, допомога
Твоя рука
На цій землі лишу страхи
... Єдина віра...порятує
Моє життя
Я принесу мою журбу...
... Одна надія, допомога
Твоя рука

Слова і музика Кривонос К.
вересень 2024 рік

In English for my friends.

The context of the song. Or what is it about?
First lines tell about nature, which so often surrounded the military and reminded of the Creator God. God's grace worked through Ukrainian soldier Dan's life every day. And now it continues to act through lives of other Christians. Next in lines, there is the thought that Ukrainian soldier helped many others to seek God and he wanted to be useful where he was. He took care of his brothers in army in different ways. And many testified about his heart to people. Then the words in the chorus are the words of all who knew him that we bring our grief to God and recognize that Dan is saved by faith and all of us who believe also have hope. We are saved by one faith. In the next lines I wrote the fact that it is difficult to hear sad news. And it seems at that moment that all the stars have gone out and we are in the dark. But the only star (as it was in Bethlehem) illuminates our earthly path again. And we bring our grief to God and acknowledge his help in our earthly life.

Here is the translation of my song from Ukrainian language. 📝

The stars light up brightly the space of the sky at night.
The sound of small crickets calm the earth.
God's mercy to me is in every day
He renews my strength
And through my life testemony God saves life of many people.

He prayed in the valleys,
to come up to the mountain.
Where he could faithfully stand and help other brothers.

I will bring my grief...
... One hope and help
from God's hand
I will leave my fears on this earth
... Only faith...saves
my life

When dark times around darken the space...
It looks like a dream when I'm reading new sad stories.
When all the stars went out
I didn't stop believing
Because the only star ignited hope in the heart, in the soul...


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