Are You Suffering from Complex PTSD Instead of Chronic Fatigue?

Описание к видео Are You Suffering from Complex PTSD Instead of Chronic Fatigue?

If our #nervoussystem is causing #chronicfatigue, #longcovid, #cptsd is a sign of childhood #trauma, our nervous system was not coordinated properly by consistently caring parents. Without early and regular attunement from healthy caregivers we can develop a handicapped perception of the world. This can develop into compounding problems later in life that produce debilitating fatigue. The coordination is call attunement. Knowing this can give us options for real transformation, and returning to life.

We cover the importance of having a foundation of safety before delving into emotional healing.

I also address how other providers can incorporate these healing techniques into your practice.

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Coaching with Craig? I'm happy to have a chat with you to hear what's going on. I promise to NOT pitch some high dollar program. I will listen and give you my thoughts, free of charge. Should you decide to try an attunement session we can discuss what that looks like.

START HERE Craig's Attunement Questionnaire, I will respond as soon as possible, this is FREE

Learn this approach to help others at the Energetic Attunement School:


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Disclaimer: The information provided in these videos and this site is intended for general knowledge and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns or before making any decisions related to your health or treatment. The creator and distributor of this video disclaim any liability for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the information provided.


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