How to restart a dead laptop battery BMS due to loss of power to chip. Worked on lenovo battery.

Описание к видео How to restart a dead laptop battery BMS due to loss of power to chip. Worked on lenovo battery.

How to restart a dead laptop battery BMS due to loss of power to the chip. This is an excerpt of my full video on successfully replacing the 18650 cells of my Lenovo laptop battery. That video will come up shortly. The battery shown in the video is for a Lenovo G510 but this trick has been demostrated on many different types of laptop batteries with successful restart of the battery management system board.

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Stuff I use to make videos (for those curious/want to start youtube)
Videos shot on my trusted 2014 Samsung Galaxy S4
Lapel Mic: DIY made from old headset parts
Microphone for voiceover: Guitar Hero Konami microphone
Video editing software: Movavi video editor plus 15
PC Screen capture & secondary editing software: Camtasia 9
Audio editing and speedup:
Main laptop: 2014 Lenovo G510 with i7-4700MQ (upgraded from i5 4210M) CPU and 12GB ram (all working smooth and lovely)

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