Flemish Dutch vs. Dutch from the Netherlands | Easy Dutch 2

Описание к видео Flemish Dutch vs. Dutch from the Netherlands | Easy Dutch 2

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4:11 - "Algemeen Nederlands" - This term means "Standard Dutch." Standard Dutch is used for public and official purposes, including instruction in schools and universities. Standard Dutch is quite uniform across Belgium and the Netherlands, though the accent, intonation and small vocabulary differences are indicative of where a speaker comes from.
Standard Dutch consists of two varieties: "Netherlandic Dutch" ("Nederlands-Nederlands", informally known in Flanders as "Hollands") as used in the Netherlands, and "Flemish Dutch" ("Vlaams-Nederlands" or "Belgisch-Nederlands") as used in Belgium.
Bear in mind that when people talk about "Flemish", they either refer to the standardized variety of Flemish Dutch, or spoken informal Flemish, which consists of a great number of dialects, regionalects and "tussentaal." Tussentaal literally translates to "in between language", referring to its position between dialect and standardized Flemish Dutch.
The old name for Algemeen Nederlands is "Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands", meaning "General Cultured Dutch". It's too complex to go into the history here, but it does say something about the elevated social status that was previously attributed to Standard Dutch.
As a general indication, in this video you can hear various types of Flemish Dutch. Nout speaks Standard Flemish Dutch almost all of the times whereas most of the interviewees speak variations of Flemish, from dialect (like West Flemish) to tussentaal. As you can imagine, people that spoke dialect were harder to transcribe: in our transcriptions, we tried to find the middle ground between the language as spoken and legibility. This also meant that we sometimes had to sacrifice certain smaller exclamations or subject-verb links which you don't have in written language and which, if transcribed, would make the Dutch subtitles quite difficult to follow or understand.

9:18 - poepen - This is a bit complicated but in tussentaal, it means "to have sex" whereas in standardized Netherlandic Dutch, it means "to poop".

Host, transcription & translation: Nout Van Den Neste
Director, camera & editing: Nora Goerne
Creators of the YouTube channel "Dutch & Go":    / @dutchgo  

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