The Liezi 列子

Описание к видео The Liezi 列子

There are fewer English translations of the Liezi than other Taoist texts. The first were partial versions; Lionel Giles (1912) translated chapters 1–6 and 8, while Anton Forke (1912) covered chapter 7 ("Yang Zhu"). Contrary to the introduction this is a combination of both translations. An original production only on YouTube.

0:00 Editorial and Intro
14:45 Book I: Cosmogony
46:16 Book II: The Yellow Emperor
1:22:03 Book III: Dreams
1:43:55 Book IV: Confucius
1:56:13 Book V: The Questions of T'ang
2:18:07 Book VI: Effort & Destiny
2:28:36 Book VII: Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure
• 2:29:00 The Vanity of Fame
• 2:30:43 Real and False Greatness
• 2:32:54 The Brevity of Conscious Life
• 2:35:10 Death the Equalizer
• 2:36:29 False Virtues
• 2:37:16 The Ideal Life
• 2:38:03 Duty to the Living and the Dead
• 2:38:45 The Art of Life
• 2:42:06 The Happy Voluptuaries
• 2:48:15 The Joyous Life of Tuan-Mu-Shu
• 2:51:24 The Folly of Desire for Long Life
• 2:53:36 Self Sacrifice and Self-Aggrandizement
• 2:56:44 The Vanity of Reputation
• 3:02:05 Difficulty and Ease of Government
• 3:03:44 All Things Pass
• 3:06:03 The Nature of Man
• 3:08:05 The Four Chimeras
• 3:09:18 All Pleasures are Relative
• 3:11:29 The Wisdom of Contentment
3:13:45 Book VIII: Causality


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