How to Design a Counter Drone Jammer PART III 11

Описание к видео How to Design a Counter Drone Jammer PART III 11

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This video is the third of three videos about a methodology to choose selected parameters for a jammer to counter naval anti-ship drones, guided by an operator using a video link.

The video illustrates how to use the methodology to choose only two parameters, to illustrate the process: jammer Tx antenna height, and jammer Effective Radiated Power (ERP). For different or more parameters, the process is the same.

Counter-drone videos posted earlier are here:

Intro and concepts:    • Effect of Jamming Against Surface Dro...  
Methodology Part I:    • How to Design a Counter Drone Jammer ...  
Methodology Part II:    • How to Design a Counter Drone Jammer ...  


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