Star Wars-Bounty Hunter - The Movie (ALL CUTSCENES)

Описание к видео Star Wars-Bounty Hunter - The Movie (ALL CUTSCENES)

If you're interested, the game's "outtakes" are at 1:01:06...

*November 4, 2014 - over 100k views... this is officially my most viewed video by a TON. Many thanks!*

I noticed that there weren't any clips of the in-game cutscenes from this game on YouTube. I mean, yeah, there are gameplay videos, but none that helped flesh out what happened between the full CG clips.

I actually had to play through this game twice, because WIndows Movie Maker didn't seem to like the kind of files my capture device were putting out. I was perfectly fine with that, because I do enjoy this game quite a bit...

One thing that struck me as I was putting these clips together, was how it was actually better written and better acted than the prequels!

I mean, don't get me wrong... I've defended the prequels up and down since they were released (the fanboy in me just can't call them "terrible"), but the writing is so bad at points, it takes the great actors down with it. :(

Hearing poor Natalie Portman say the words "let diplomacy resume" makes me squirm every time... oh well! It all looked very nice on screen! haha


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