Fiddlin' Foresters, Cold Missouri Water

Описание к видео Fiddlin' Foresters, Cold Missouri Water

I do not own any material in this video. The making of this video was paid for with our tax dollars through the Forest Service. By this song, Cold Missouri Water, the firefighters who died in the Mann Gulch Incident have been memorialized by many artists. I posted this version to show in some small measure the work of the Fiddlin' Foresters. This wonderful group of Forest Service employees and volunteers working as ambassadors were worth their weight in gold when it came to creating good will between the Forest Service and the public it serves. As a Deputy District Ranger, I got to work with them during PLAD (Public Land Appreciation Days) at Grand Lake, CO in 1997. As I understand it, President Obama told them to work only in the jobs they were originally hired for and drop this col-lateral duty work. He saw this as a cost cutting measure. Those familiar with the cost-savings the group initiated know the president got this one wrong.


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