The Parable of the Great Feast [S02E24]

Описание к видео The Parable of the Great Feast [S02E24]

The Parable of the Great Banquet or the Wedding Feast or the Marriage of the King's Son is a parable told by Jesus in the New Testament, found in Matthew Matthew 22:1-14 and Luke Luke 14:15-24.

The Lord had first sent His invitation to His chosen people, but they had slighted and rejected His messenger. How vain, how needless, were the excuses they offered; but are the excuses that men and women give in this age any more sensible than those offered in the time of Christ?

Some who are invited exclaim, “I beg Thee have me excused. If I should come, my neighbors would jest at and ridicule me, and I cannot bear their scorn. I have lived among them a long time, and I do not want to displease my neighbors.”... Others are desirous of paying for their lands and of building up their temporal interests, and the powers of mind and soul and body are absorbed in their earthly affairs....

The precious message has come to us in these last days.... The invitation has been given, “Come; for all things are now ready.”...

Christ has pledged His own life for the redemption of His people, and He would have them consider their higher, eternal claims.—The Review and Herald, November 5, 1895.

- Ellen. G. White
The Faith I Live By, 367

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