IncludeAge - Inclusion for Diverse Older People

Описание к видео IncludeAge - Inclusion for Diverse Older People

Historically and today, LGBT+ people and people with learning disabilities have experienced marginalisation and exclusion in Britain. IncludeAge is working with and alongside LGBT+ people and people with learning disabilities aged 40 and over to understand and improve experiences of inclusion among these populations.

The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and runs from 2022 to 2026. It is led by the University of Dundee in collaboration with the University of Hertfordshire, University of Edinburgh, and Liverpool John Moores University. IncludeAge is also working with numerous third-sector organisations to ensure that the voices of the seldom heard are reached.

For more information, please contact the project's principal investigator, Professor Judith Sixsmith: [email protected].


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