Level Up Alts Fast to T3 Lost Ark

Описание к видео Level Up Alts Fast to T3 Lost Ark

If you're in T3 and you at stuck in the dead zone, I believe that the best method in trying to get past it as a F2P / low spending player is leveling up alts. The best way as a spender is to simply swipe, but that's not what this video is for! T3 is essentially a huge time gate right now and making alts will help reduce the amount of time needed. With more characters in T3 you can funnel their mats into your main character and help you push past the dead zone and try to hit 1370. This is essentially the so called horizonal progression in Lost Ark.

If you're not in T3 yet don't worry, this video will help you get a good idea on what people are farming in T3, how they are making gold, and what you should be doing in order to level up alts fast to T3 in Lost Ark. There tips here how you can do things faster and try to minimize the amount of time you are spending.

00:00 Why Play Alts
01:00 Get to T3 & Stronghold Bonus
01:45 Dailies & Weeklies
02:50 Chaos Dungeons Tips
03:56 Guardian Raid/Abyssal Tips
05:06 Tower Tips
07:05 Cube/Boss Rush When to Do Them
08:21 Bloodstone Vendor
09:07 Mari's Secret Shop
11:54 Pirate Coin Vendor
13:02 Knowledge Transfer
14:55 Burnout

There's some more ways to get materials if you don't want to buy them that I didn't say in the video:
Regular Story Dungeons - One time reward for Normal & Hard Mode
Abyssal Raid - Buy the extra bonus chest at the end
Lost Ark Events when they are available

Hopefully this Lost Ark Alt leveling guide has helped you progress faster. Good luck on your journey to 1370!

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