MOTOMITSU LIVE SET (Moog Subsequent 25, Elektron Analog Rytm mk2, Analog Keys) @ TEHOM, JAPAN

Описание к видео MOTOMITSU LIVE SET (Moog Subsequent 25, Elektron Analog Rytm mk2, Analog Keys) @ TEHOM, JAPAN

Motomitsu LIVE
Equipement : Moog Subsequent 25, Elektron analog rytm mk2, Elektron analog keys

@ TEHOM, Hamamatsu, Japan

Booking worldwide
[email protected]

Motomitsu's other music videos on YouTube

Nations (Balearic Mix) [Official Music Video]
   • Motomitsu - Nations (Balearic Mix)  [...  

Papyrus no Kioku [Official Music Video]
   • Motomitsu - Papyrus no Kioku [Officia...  

Sand Ship feat. Madoki Yamasaki (Official Video)
   • Motomitsu - Sand Ship feat. Madoki Ya...  .

   • Motomitsu - Bless  

Joseph Cesar - The Pain of Love Remix (feat. Motomitsu) - Official Visualizer
   • Joseph Cesar - The Pain of Love Remix...  

#minimalmusic #moog #elektron #machinelive #synthsizer #electronicmusic #techno #progressive #experimentalmusic #subsequent25 #analogrytmmkii #electronica #synth #technoliveset #japanesemusic #japaneseartist


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