Why we need gender fluidity | Nicholas Metcalf | TEDxUMN

Описание к видео Why we need gender fluidity | Nicholas Metcalf | TEDxUMN

In his talk, Nick Metcalf gives insight into his experiences being a two spirit, and explains why gender fluidity is necessary in today’s world.

Cetanzi - Nicholas “Nick” Metcalf, MSW, is an enrolled member of the Rosebud SiouxTribe, South Dakota where he grew up. Nick attended the University of South Dakota for their Bachelors in Science, and received their MSW in Family Therapy at Augsburg College. Nick has worked in non-profit management throughout most of their professional career. Nick currently works for the MN Department of Human Services and is an active volunteer on a variety of community projects and initiatives impacting communities of color.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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