A Light in the Dark: 4th Officer Joseph Groves Boxhall | A Titanic Biography

Описание к видео A Light in the Dark: 4th Officer Joseph Groves Boxhall | A Titanic Biography

A comprehensive biography of RMS Titanic's 4th officer, Joseph Groves Boxhall. He was responsible for providing Titanic's position for the CQD and SOS messages, for firing Titanic's distress rockets, and for lighting the green flares that guided RMS Carpathia to rescue the survivors. He also helped the makers of 1958's "A Night to Remember" with their research for the film.

Massive thanks to titanicofficers.com @TitanicsOfficers and the authors of "On a Sea of Glass" (Tad Fitch, J. Kent Layton, and Bill Wormstedt) for their exhaustive research, which helped me immensely with this video. Your work is invaluable.

Instagram: @officialhistory401

Joseph Boxhall's interview with the BBC, 1962:    • 1962 BBC Broadcast: Titanic's Fourth ...  
(Credit: ‪@TitanicsOfficers‬titanicofficers.com)

"Heartbreaking" by Kevin MacLeod

Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-...

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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