Yoga Stretching For Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture

Описание к видео Yoga Stretching For Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture

Hello Pilates and Yoga Lovers! Yoga Stretching For Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture
This is a stretching YOGA follow along targeting the neck, upper back and shoulders for Forward head posture (also known as “text neck”) and rounded shoulders posture that could be done at work or at home as well as for anyone who has soreness from martial arts, boxing , sports activities and upper body workout with stiffness and pain.

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This is requested by one of my viewers that needed help for his work being on his desk at least 8 to 12 hours a day as well as one of my viewers who is an amateur boxer, . My recommendation is toto do this at once a day to help relieve any tension and pain on your neck, shoulders and upper back areas. Although I wouldn’t call it a quick fix to forward head posture, given that you perform what is shown in this video daily and stick to the stretches/exercises consistently you’ll see major improvements pretty quickly. I suggest taking a picture of your forward head posture before starting the routine, and after a week or two in order to track your progress. Here is my previous video *** Fix Forward Head and Shoulder posture : Pilates and Yoga Daily Corrective Routine    • Fix Forward Head and Rounded Shoulder...   and    • Follow Along Exercises For Forward He...   Follow Along Exercises For Forward Head And Rounded Shoulders Posture At Work Or Home to add on your program.
When trying to correct any issue in the body, it is good practice to not focus on the site of the issues when looking for the solution. Instead, you need to look for the source. For instance, when it comes to fixing the position of the head and neck you cannot just look at the muscles that surround the area for the answer to your problems.
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This is especially true if you realize that the neck is just a portion of the spine. The spine is an incredibly long structure that has elements in the neck, mid back and lower back. Doing anything to a region of the spine down below is going to have repercussions on the levels above by virtue of the fact that it is one big interconnected chain. Engaging you core and strengthening the foundation is important as well with your breaths.
The same can be said of the lumbar spine and pelvis. If you place your pelvis into posterior tilt, you will affect the position of the thoracic spine as well. This will definitely help your posture, try this Yoga Stretching For Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture
First, to mobilize the area of the thoracic spine that is most restricted while at the same time establishing proper pelvic position you would do butterfly, cross legged, long sitting or mermaid position, or you could do it in your work chair with arm rests as demonstrated. From here, you want to hold the position for a few seconds to slowly progress to holding it to at least 10 seconds to a minute, which is going to provide not just mobility to the tight areas but an isometric challenge to the deep flexors of the neck which tend to get weak over time from adaptations of the faulty posture.
Finally, by standing on a wall to remind your postural awareness with corner stretch and angel slides.
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Annie Pilates Physical therapist , recommend you consult with a physician before starting any exercise program. The exercises give here are not meant to treat, diagnose medical condition. Please stop if you have any increasing pain or discomfort. You understand that any physical activity can pose a risk and this channel you assume all risk and injury, you are voluntarily participating in these activities.

#YogaStretchingForRoundedShoulders #YogaForForwardHeadPosture #yogaforposture


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