Josh Foley - Artist Interview - The Spectre Of Volatile Appearances

Описание к видео Josh Foley - Artist Interview - The Spectre Of Volatile Appearances

Despard Gallery is excited to present the latest video in our Artist Interview Series featuring Tasmanian artist, Josh Foley. Listen to Josh reflect on his latest series of paintings and discuss how his distinctive aesthetic approach aims to shift how familiar subject matter is experienced and seen.

‘Foley’s most recent body of work responds to the state of hyper-saturation which characterises our informational and affective lives in the present. Many of these paintings respond to distinctly contemporary stories, perceptive experiences and technologies; this is, in a sense, post-internet art, with the added irony of being carried out in the ‘analogue’ medium of paint. In this way, Foley’s medium carries his message while also offering a form of resistance to it. The algorithm cannot hold – but perhaps paint can.’ - Erin McFadyen, courtesy of Artist Profile Magazine


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